Notification > KakaoTalk Bizmessage > FriendTalk > API v2.3 Guide


[API Domain]


Overview of v2.3 API

  1. Added FriendTalk wide item list, carousel feed, coupon, and business form button features.
  2. Added wide item list image registration and carousel image registration APIs.
  3. Added the imageType field when querying images.
  4. Changed to use the imageSeq -> imageUrl field when sending.

Send Messages

Request of Sending


POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/messages
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.
X-NC-API-IDEMPOTENCY-KEY String X Key used to recognize subsequent retries of the same request
If a request is made with the same key for 10 minutes, the request will be failed.
  • Request date and time can be configured up to 90 days after a point of calling
  • Delivery restricted during night(20:50~08:00 on the following day)
  • Delivery is to be replaced by SMS, and field input must follow delivery API specifications of the SMS service(e.g. sender number registered at SMS service, 080 unsubscription, and field length restrictions)
  • Title or message of an alternative delivery may be cut in length, if the byte size exceeds restrictions(see [Cautions for SMS])
  • FriendTalk ad message can be replaced by Ad SMS API, so it must be registered at the 080 Unsubscription Service to enable alternative delivery.
  • When the resendContent field of a FriendTalk ad message is available, ad phrase for SMS Ad API is required to enable alternative delivery.(Ad) Content [Unsubscribe for Free] 080XXXXXXX
  • When the resendContent field of a FriendTalk ad message is missing, ad phrase is automatically created with registered 080 number for unsubscription to enable alternative delivery.
  • Ad delivery is only available for the wide item list type and the carousel feed type.


[Request body]

    "senderKey": String,
    "requestDate": String,
    "senderGroupingKey": String,
    "createUser" : String,
    "recipientList": [{
        "recipientNo": String,
        "content": String,
        "buttons": [
            "ordering": Integer,
            "type": String,
            "name": String,
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeIos": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
            "chatExtra": String,
            "chatEvent": String,
            "bizFormKey": String,
            "target": String
        "coupon": {
          "title": String,
          "description": String,
          "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
        "resendParameter": {
            "isResend" : boolean,
            "resendType" : String,
            "resendTitle" : String,
            "resendContent" : String,
            "resendSendNo" : String,
            "resendUnsubscribeNo": String
        "isAd": Boolean,
        "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "statsId": String
Name Type Required Description
senderKey String O Sender key(40 characters)
requestDate String X Date and time of request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm), to be sent immediately if field is not sent
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
createUser String X Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
recipientList List O List of recipients(up to 1000)
- recipientNo String O Recipient number
- content String O Body message(up to 1000 characters)
Up to 400, if image is included
Up to 76, if wide image is included
- buttons List X Button
1 link button, if wide image is included
-- ordering Integer X Button sequence(required, if there is a button)
-- type String X Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
-- name String X Button name(required, if there is a button, Maximum 28 characters, 9 characters for wide item list type)
-- linkMo String X Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
-- linkPc String X PC web link(optional for the WL type)
-- schemeIos String X iOS app link(required for the AL type)
-- schemeAndroid String X Android app link(required for the AL type)
-- chatExtra String X Meta information to send for BC(Bot for Consultation) or BT(Bot Transfer) type buttons
-- chatEvent String X Bot event name to connect for BT(Bot Transfer) type button
-- bizFormKey String X Biz from key for BF(Business from) type button
-- target String X In the case of a web link button, out link used when adding "target":"out" attribute
Send with the default in-app link
- coupon Object X 쿠폰
-- title String X title의 경우 5가지 형식으로 제한 됨
"${숫자}원 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 99,999,999 이하
"${숫자}% 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 100 이하
"배송비 할인 쿠폰"

"${7자 이내} 무료 쿠폰"
"${7자 이내} UP 쿠폰"
-- description String X 쿠폰 상세 설명 (일반 텍스트, 이미지형 최대 12자 / 와이드 이미지형, 와이드 아이템리스트형 최대 18자)
-- linkMo String X 모바일 웹 링크 (하단 필수 조건 확인)
-- linkPc String X PC 웹 링크
-- schemeIos String X iOS 앱 링크
-- schemeAndroid String X 안드로이드 앱 링크
- resendParameter Object X Alternative delivery information
-- isResend boolean X Whether to resend text, if delivery fails
Resent by default, if alternative delivery is set on console.
-- resendType String X Alternative delivery type(SMS,LMS)
Categorized by the length of template body, if value is unavailable.
-- resendTitle String X Title of alternative delivery for LMS
(resent with PlusFriend ID if value is unavailable.)
-- resendContent String X Alternative delivery content
(resent with [Message body and web link button name - web link mobile link] if value is unavailable.)
-- resendSendNo String X Sender number for alternative delivery(up to 13 characters)
(Alternative delivery may fail, if the sender number is not registered on the SMS service.)
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String X Alternative delivery 080 blocked number
(If it is not the 080 blocked number registered in the SMS service, alternative delivery may fail.)
- isAd Boolean X Ad or not(default is true)
- recipientGroupingKey String X Recipient's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
statsId String X Statistics ID(not included in the delivery search conditions, up to 8 characters)

Image / Wide Image

[Request body]

    "senderKey": String,
    "requestDate": String,
    "senderGroupingKey": String,
    "createUser" : String,
    "recipientList": [{
        "recipientNo": String,
        "content": String,
        "imageUrl": String,
        "imageLink": String,
        "buttons": [
            "ordering": Integer,
            "type": String,
            "name": String,
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeIos": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
            "chatExtra": String,
            "chatEvent": String,
            "bizFormKey": String,
            "target": String
        "coupon": {
          "title": String,
          "description": String,
          "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
        "resendParameter": {
            "isResend" : boolean,
            "resendType" : String,
            "resendTitle" : String,
            "resendContent" : String,
            "resendSendNo" : String,
            "resendUnsubscribeNo": String
        "isAd": Boolean,
        "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "statsId": String
Name Type Required Description
senderKey String O Sender key(40 characters)
requestDate String X Date and time of request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm), to be sent immediately if field is not sent
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
createUser String X Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
recipientList List O List of recipients(up to 1000)
- recipientNo String O Recipient number
- content String O Body message(up to 1000 characters)
Up to 400, if image is included
Up to 76, if wide image is included
- imageUrl String X Image URL
- imageLink String X Image link
- buttons List X Button
1 link button, if wide image is included
-- ordering Integer X Button sequence(required, if there is a button)
-- type String X Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
-- name String X Button name(required, if there is a button, Maximum 28 characters, 9 characters for wide item list type)
-- linkMo String X Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
-- linkPc String X PC web link(optional for the WL type)
-- schemeIos String X iOS app link(required for the AL type)
-- schemeAndroid String X Android app link(required for the AL type)
-- chatExtra String X Meta information to send for BC(Bot for Consultation) or BT(Bot Transfer) type buttons
-- chatEvent String X Bot event name to connect for BT(Bot Transfer) type button
-- bizFormKey String X Biz from key for BF(Business from) type button
-- target String X In the case of a web link button, out link used when adding "target":"out" attribute
Send with the default in-app link
- coupon Object X 쿠폰
-- title String X title의 경우 5가지 형식으로 제한 됨
"${숫자}원 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 99,999,999 이하
"${숫자}% 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 100 이하
"배송비 할인 쿠폰"

"${7자 이내} 무료 쿠폰"
"${7자 이내} UP 쿠폰"
-- description String X 쿠폰 상세 설명 (일반 텍스트, 이미지형 최대 12자 / 와이드 이미지형, 와이드 아이템리스트형 최대 18자)
-- linkMo String X 모바일 웹 링크 (하단 필수 조건 확인)
-- linkPc String X PC 웹 링크
-- schemeIos String X iOS 앱 링크
-- schemeAndroid String X 안드로이드 앱 링크
- resendParameter Object X Alternative delivery information
-- isResend boolean X Whether to resend text, if delivery fails
Resent by default, if alternative delivery is set on console.
-- resendType String X Alternative delivery type(SMS,LMS)
Categorized by the length of template body, if value is unavailable.
-- resendTitle String X Title of alternative delivery for LMS
(resent with PlusFriend ID if value is unavailable.)
-- resendContent String X Alternative delivery content
(resent with [Message body and web link button name - web link mobile link] if value is unavailable.)
-- resendSendNo String X Sender number for alternative delivery(up to 13 characters)
(Alternative delivery may fail, if the sender number is not registered on the SMS service.)
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String X Alternative delivery 080 blocked number
(If it is not the 080 blocked number registered in the SMS service, alternative delivery may fail.)
- isAd Boolean X Ad or not(default is true)
- recipientGroupingKey String X Recipient's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
statsId String X Statistics ID(not included in the delivery search conditions, up to 8 characters)

Wide Item list

[Request Body]

    "senderKey": String,
    "requestDate": String,
    "senderGroupingKey": String,
    "createUser" : String,
    "recipientList": [{
        "recipientNo": String,
        "buttons": [
            "ordering": Integer,
            "type": String,
            "name": String,
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeIos": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
            "chatExtra": String,
            "chatEvent": String,
            "bizFormKey": String,
            "target": String
        "header": String,
        "item": {
          "list": [
              "title": String,
              "imageUrl": String,
              "linkMo": String,
              "linkPc": String,
              "schemeIos": String,
              "schemeAndroid": String,
              "title": String,
              "imageUrl": String,
              "linkMo": String,
              "linkPc": String,
              "schemeIos": String,
              "schemeAndroid": String,
              "title": String,
              "imageUrl": String,
              "linkMo": String,
              "linkPc": String,
              "schemeIos": String,
              "schemeAndroid": String,
        "coupon": {
          "title": String,
          "description": String,
          "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
        "resendParameter": {
            "isResend" : boolean,
            "resendType" : String,
            "resendTitle" : String,
            "resendContent" : String,
            "resendSendNo" : String,
            "resendUnsubscribeNo": String
        "isAd": Boolean,
        "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "statsId": String
Name Type Required Description
senderKey String O Sender key(40 characters)
requestDate String X Date and time of request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm), to be sent immediately if field is not sent
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
createUser String X Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
recipientList List O List of recipients(up to 1000)
- recipientNo String O Recipient number
- buttons List X Button
1 link button, if wide image is included
-- ordering Integer X Button sequence(required, if there is a button)
-- type String X Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
-- name String X Button name(required, if there is a button, Maximum 28 characters, 9 characters for wide item list type)
-- linkMo String X Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
-- linkPc String X PC web link(optional for the WL type)
-- schemeIos String X iOS app link(required for the AL type)
-- schemeAndroid String X Android app link(required for the AL type)
-- chatExtra String X Meta information to send for BC(Bot for Consultation) or BT(Bot Transfer) type buttons
-- chatEvent String X Bot event name to connect for BT(Bot Transfer) type button
-- bizFormKey String X Biz from key for BF(Business from) type button
-- target String X In the case of a web link button, out link used when adding "target":"out" attribute
Send with the default in-app link
- header String X Header(required when using the wide item list message type, up to 25 characters)
- item Object X Wide item
-- list List X Wide item list(at lease 3, up to 4)
--- title String X Item title(For the first item, up to 25 characters; for items 2 to 4, up to 30 characters)
--- imageUrl String X Item image URL
--- linkMo String X Mobile web link
--- linkPc String X PC web link
--- schemeIos String X iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String X Android app link
- coupon Object X 쿠폰
-- title String X title의 경우 5가지 형식으로 제한 됨
"${숫자}원 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 99,999,999 이하
"${숫자}% 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 100 이하
"배송비 할인 쿠폰"

"${7자 이내} 무료 쿠폰"
"${7자 이내} UP 쿠폰"
-- description String X 쿠폰 상세 설명 (일반 텍스트, 이미지형 최대 12자 / 와이드 이미지형, 와이드 아이템리스트형 최대 18자)
-- linkMo String X 모바일 웹 링크 (하단 필수 조건 확인)
-- linkPc String X PC 웹 링크
-- schemeIos String X iOS 앱 링크
-- schemeAndroid String X 안드로이드 앱 링크
- resendParameter Object X Alternative delivery information
-- isResend boolean X Whether to resend text, if delivery fails
Resent by default, if alternative delivery is set on console.
-- resendType String X Alternative delivery type(SMS,LMS)
Categorized by the length of template body, if value is unavailable.
-- resendTitle String X Title of alternative delivery for LMS
(resent with PlusFriend ID if value is unavailable.)
-- resendContent String X Alternative delivery content
(resent with [Message body and web link button name - web link mobile link] if value is unavailable.)
-- resendSendNo String X Sender number for alternative delivery(up to 13 characters)
(Alternative delivery may fail, if the sender number is not registered on the SMS service.)
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String X Alternative delivery 080 blocked number
(If it is not the 080 blocked number registered in the SMS service, alternative delivery may fail.)
- isAd Boolean X Ad or not(default is true)
- recipientGroupingKey String X Recipient's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
statsId String X Statistics ID(not included in the delivery search conditions, up to 8 characters)

[Request Body]

    "senderKey": String,
    "requestDate": String,
    "senderGroupingKey": String,
    "createUser" : String,
    "recipientList": [{
        "recipientNo": String,
        "carousel": {
          "list": [
              "header": String,
              "message": String,
              "attachment": {
                "buttons": [
                    "name": String,
                    "type": String,
                    "linkMo": String,
                    "linkPc": String,
                    "schemeAndroid": String,
                    "schemeIos": String,
                  "imageUrl": String,
                  "imageLink": String
              "header": String,
              "message": String,
              "attachment": {
                "buttons": [
                    "name": String,
                    "type": String,
                    "linkMo": String,
                    "linkPc": String,
                    "schemeAndroid": String,
                    "schemeIos": String,
                  "imageUrl": String,
                  "imageLink": String
          "tail": {
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
            "schemeIos": String
        "coupon": {
          "title": String,
          "description": String,
          "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
        "resendParameter": {
            "isResend" : boolean,
            "resendType" : String,
            "resendTitle" : String,
            "resendContent" : String,
            "resendSendNo" : String,
            "resendUnsubscribeNo": String
        "isAd": Boolean,
        "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "statsId": String
Name Type Required Description
senderKey String O Sender key(40 characters)
requestDate String X Date and time of request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm), to be sent immediately if field is not sent
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
createUser String X Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
recipientList List O List of recipients(up to 1000)
- recipientNo String O Recipient number
- carousel Object X Carousel
-- list List X Carousel list(at least 2, up to 10)
--- header String X Carousel item title(up to 20 characters)
--- message String X Carousel item message(up to 180 characters)
--- attachment Object X Carousel item images, button information
---- buttons List X Button list(up to 2)
----- name String X Button name(required, if there's a button, up to 8 characters)
----- type String X Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
----- linkMo String X Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
----- linkPc String X PC web link(optional for the WL type)
----- schemeIos String X iOS app link(required for the AL type)
----- schemeAndroid String X Android app link(required for the AL type)
---- image Object X Image
----- imageUrl String X Image URL
----- imageLink String X Image link
-- tail Object X Learn more button information
--- linkMo String X Mobile web link
--- linkPc String X PC web link
--- schemeIos String X iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String X Android app link
- coupon Object X 쿠폰
-- title String X title의 경우 5가지 형식으로 제한 됨
"${숫자}원 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 99,999,999 이하
"${숫자}% 할인 쿠폰" 숫자는 1이상 100 이하
"배송비 할인 쿠폰"

"${7자 이내} 무료 쿠폰"
"${7자 이내} UP 쿠폰"
-- description String X 쿠폰 상세 설명 (일반 텍스트, 이미지형 최대 12자 / 와이드 이미지형, 와이드 아이템리스트형 최대 18자)
-- linkMo String X 모바일 웹 링크 (하단 필수 조건 확인)
-- linkPc String X PC 웹 링크
-- schemeIos String X iOS 앱 링크
-- schemeAndroid String X 안드로이드 앱 링크
- resendParameter Object X Alternative delivery information
-- isResend boolean X Whether to resend text, if delivery fails
Resent by default, if alternative delivery is set on console.
-- resendType String X Alternative delivery type(SMS,LMS)
Categorized by the length of template body, if value is unavailable.
-- resendTitle String X Title of alternative delivery for LMS
(resent with PlusFriend ID if value is unavailable.)
-- resendContent String X Alternative delivery content
(resent with [Message body and web link button name - web link mobile link] if value is unavailable.)
-- resendSendNo String X Sender number for alternative delivery(up to 13 characters)
(Alternative delivery may fail, if the sender number is not registered on the SMS service.)
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String X Alternative delivery 080 blocked number
(If it is not the 080 blocked number registered in the SMS service, alternative delivery may fail.)
- isAd Boolean X Ad or not(default is true)
- recipientGroupingKey String X Recipient's grouping key(up to 100 characters)
statsId String X Statistics ID(not included in the delivery search conditions, up to 8 characters)


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}"{appkey}/messages -d '{"senderKey":"9e0afe2c12aaaaaaaaaa7520052880b555f1a60a","requestDate":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm","recipientList":[{"recipientNo":"010-0000-0000","imageSeq":1,"imageLink":"","content":"내용","buttons":[{"ordering":1,"type":"WL","name":"버튼1","linkMo":"","linkPc":""}]}]}'


  "header": {
    "resultCode": Integer,
    "resultMessage": String,
    "isSuccessful": boolean
  "message": {
    "requestId": String,
    "senderGroupingKey": String,
    "sendResults": [
        "recipientSeq": Integer,
        "recipientNo": String,
        "resultCode": Integer,
        "resultMessage": String,
        "recipientGroupingKey": String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
message Object Body area
- requestId String Request ID
- senderGroupingKey String Sender's grouping key
- sendResults Object Result of delivery request
-- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
-- recipientNo String Recipient number
-- resultCode Integer Result code of delivery request
-- resultMessage String Result message of delivery request
-- recipientGroupingKey String Recipient's grouping key

List Deliveries



GET  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/messages
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter] No.1 or(2, 3) is conditionally required

Name Type Required Description
requestId String Conditionally required(no.1) Request ID
startRequestDate String Conditionally required(no.2) Start date of delivery request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
endRequestDate String Conditionally required(no.2) End date of delivery request(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
startCreateDate String Conditionally required(no.3) Start date of registration(mm:HH dd-MM-yyyy)
endCreateDate String Conditionally required(no.3) End date of registration(mm:HH dd-MM-yyyy)
recipientNo String X Recipient number
senderKey String X Sender key
senderGroupingKey String X Sender's grouping key
recipientGroupingKey String X Recipient's grouping key
messageStatus String X Request status(COMPLETED: successful, FAILED: failed)
resultCode String X Delivery result(MRC01: successful, MRC02: failed)
createUser String X Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
pageNum Integer X Page number(default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries(default: 15, max: 1000)


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "messageSearchResultResponse" : {
    "messages" : [
          "requestId" :  String,
          "recipientSeq" : Integer,
          "plusFriendId" :  String,
          "senderKey" : String,
          "recipientNo" :  String,
          "requestDate" : String,
          "createDate" : String,
          "receiveDate" : String,
          "content" :  String,
          "messageStatus" :  String,
          "resendStatus" :  String,
          "resendStatusName" :  String,
          "resultCode" :  String,
          "resultCodeName" : String,
          "createUser" : String,
          "senderGroupingKey": String,
          "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "totalCount" :  Integer
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
messageSearchResultResponse Object Body area
- messages List List of messages
-- requestId String Request ID
-- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
-- plusFriendId String Plus Friend ID
-- senderKey String Sender Key
-- recipientNo String Recipient number
-- requestDate String Date and time of request
-- createDate String Registered date and time
-- receiveDate String Date and time of receiving
-- content String Body
-- messageStatus String Request status(COMPLETED: successful, FAILED: failed)
-- resendStatus String Status code of resending
-- resendStatusName String Status code name of resending
-- resultCode String Result code of receiving
-- resultCodeName String Result code name of receiving
-- createUser String Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's grouping key
-- recipientGroupingKey String Recipient's grouping key
- totalCount Integer Total count


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/messages?startRequestDate=2018-05-01%2000:00&endRequestDate=2018-05-30%2023:59"

Status of Resending

Name Description
RSC01 No target of resending
RSC02 Target of resending(If sending fails, resending is performed.)
RSC03 Resending in progress
RSC04 Resending successful
RSC05 Resending failed

Get Deliveries



GET  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/messages/{requestId}/{recipientSeq}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter]

Name Type Required Description
requestId String O Request ID
recipientSeq Integer O Recipient's sequence number


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/messages/{requestId}/{recipientSeq}"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "message" : {
      "requestId" :  String,
      "recipientSeq" : Integer,
      "plusFriendId" :  String,
      "senderKey" :  String,
      "recipientNo" :  String,
      "requestDate" :  String,
      "createDate" : String,
      "receiveDate" : String,
      "content" :  String,
      "messageStatus" :  String,
      "resendStatus" :  String,
      "resendStatusName" :  String,
      "resendResultCode" : String,
      "resendRequestId" : String,
      "resultCode" :  String,
      "resultCodeName" : String,
      "createUser" : String,
      "imageSeq" : Integer,
      "imageName" : String,
      "imageUrl" : String,
      "imageLink" : String,
      "wide" : Boolean,
      "buttons" : [
          "ordering" :  Integer,
          "type" :  String,
          "name" :  String,
          "linkMo" :  String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeIos": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "chatExtra": String,
          "chatEvent": String,
          "bizFormKey": String,
          "target": String
      "header": String,
       "item": {
        "list": [
            "title": String,
            "imageUrl": String,
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeIos": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
      "carousel": {
        "list": [
            "header": String,
            "message": String,
            "attachment": {
               "buttons": [
                  "name": String,
                  "type": String,
                  "linkMo": String,
                  "linkPc": String,
                  "schemeAndroid": String,
                  "schemeIos": String,
                "imageUrl": String,
                "imageLink": String
        "tail": {
           "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
           "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
      "coupon": {
        "title": String,
        "description": String,
        "linkMo": String,
        "linkPc": String,
        "schemeAndroid": String,
        "schemeIos": String
      "isAd" : Boolean,
      "senderGroupingKey": String,
      "recipientGroupingKey": String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
message Object Message
- requestId String Request ID
- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
- plusFriendId String Plus Friend ID
- senderKey String Sender Key
- recipientNo String Recipient number
- requestDate String Date and time of request
- createDate String Registered date and time
- receiveDate String Date and time of receiving
- content String Body
- messageStatus String Request status(COMPLETED: successful, FAILED: failed)
- resendStatus String Status code of resending
- resendStatusName String Status code name of resending
- resendResultCode String Alternative delivery result code SMS result code
- resendRequestId String Resending SMS request ID
- resultCode String Result code of receiving
- resultCodeName String Result code name of receiving
- createUser String Registrant(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
- imageSeq Integer Image number
- imageName String Image name(name of uploaded file)
- imageUrl String Image URL
- imageLink String Image link
- wide boolean Image is wide or not
- buttons List List of buttons
-- ordering Integer Button sequence
-- type String Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery)
-- name String Button name
-- linkMo String Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
-- linkPc String PC web link(optional for the WL type)
-- schemeIos String iOS app link(required for the AL type)
-- schemeAndroid String Android app link(required for the AL type)
-- chatExtra String Meta information to send for BC(Bot for Consultation) or BT(Bot Transfer) type buttons
-- chatEvent String Bot event name to connect for BT(Bot Transfer) type button
-- bizFormKey String Biz from key for BF(Business from) type button
-- target String In the case of a web link button, out link used when adding "target":"out" attribute
Send with the default in-app link
- header String Header(required when using the wide item list message type, up to 25 characters)
- item Object Wide item
-- list List Wide item list(at lease 3, up to 4)
--- title String Item title(For the first item, up to 25 characters; for items 2 to 4, up to 30 characters)
--- imageUrl String Item image URL
--- linkMo String Mobile web link
--- linkPc String PC web link
--- schemeIos String iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- carousel Object Carousel
-- list List Carousel list(at least 2, up to 10)
--- header String Carousel item title(up to 20 characters)
--- message String Carousel item message(up to 180 characters)
--- attachment Object Carousel item images, button information
---- buttons List Button list(up to 2)
----- name String Button name(required, if there's a button, up to 8 characters)
----- type String Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
----- linkMo String Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
----- linkPc String PC web link(optional for the WL type)
----- schemeIos String iOS app link(required for the AL type)
----- schemeAndroid String Android app link(required for the AL type)
---- image Object Image
----- imageUrl String Image URL
----- imageLink String Image link
-- tail Object Learn more button information
--- linkMo String Mobile web link
--- linkPc String PC web link
--- schemeIos String iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- coupon Object Coupon
-- title String Coupon title
-- description String Coupon description
-- linkMo String Mobile web link
-- linkPc String PC web link
-- schemeIos String iOS app link
-- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- isAd Boolean Ad or not
- senderGroupingKey String Sender's grouping key
- recipientGroupingKey String Recipient's grouping key


Cancel Sending Messages



DELETE  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/messages/{requestId}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey
requestId String Request ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter]

Name Type Required Description
recipientSeq String X Recipient's sequence number
(to cancel all deliveries of request ID, if the value is left blank)
  • Both general and authentication messages can be canceled by the same API.


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/messages/{requestId}?recipientSeq=1,2,3"

Query Updated Message Results



GET  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/message-results
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter]

Name Type Required Description
startUpdateDate String O Start time of querying result updates(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
endUpdateDate String O End time of querying result updates(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
pageNum Integer X Page number(default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries(default: 15)


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "messageSearchResultResponse" : {
    "messages" : [
      "requestId" :  String,
      "recipientSeq" : Integer,
      "plusFriendId" :  String,
      "senderKey"    :  String,
      "recipientNo" :  String,
      "requestDate" :  String,
      "receiveDate" : String,
      "content" :  String,
      "messageStatus" :  String,
      "resendStatus" :  String,
      "resendStatusName" :  String,
      "resultCode" :  String,
      "resultCodeName" : String,
      "senderGroupingKey": String,
      "recipientGroupingKey": String
    "totalCount" :  Integer
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
messageSearchResultResponse Object Body area
- messages List List of messages
-- requestId String Request ID
-- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
-- plusFriendId String Plus Friend ID
-- senderKey String Sender Key
-- recipientNo String Recipient number
-- requestDate String Date and time of request
-- receiveDate String Date and time of receiving
-- content String Body
-- messageStatus String Request status(COMPLETED -> successful, FAILED -> failed, CANCEL -> canceled)
-- resendStatus String Status code of resending
-- resendStatusName String Status code name of resending
-- resultCode String Result code of receiving
-- resultCodeName String Result code name of receiving
-- senderGroupingKey String Sender's grouping key
-- recipientGroupingKey String Recipient's grouping key
- totalCount Integer Total count


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/message-results?startUpdateDate=2018-05-01%20:00&endUpdateDate=2018-05-30%20:59"

List Mass Delivery Requests



GET /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appKey}/mass-messages
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appKey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Description
X-Secret-Key String Unique secret key

[Query parameter] * One of the following is required: requestId, startRequestDate + endRequestDate, or startCreateDate + endCreateDate.

Name Type Max. Length Required Description
requestId String - O Request ID
startRequestDate String - O Start date of delivery
endRequestDate String - O End date of delivery
startCreateDate String - O Start date of registration
endCreateDate String - O End date of registration
pageNum optional, Integer - X Page number
pageSize optional, Integer 1000 X Search count


curl -X GET \
'{appKey}/'"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-messages?requestId='"${REQUEST_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}'


    "header": {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
    "body": {
        "messages": [
                "requestId": String,
                "requestDate": String,
                "plusFriendId": String,
                "senderKey": String,
                "masterStatusCode": String,
                "content": String,
                "isAd": Boolean,
                "imageSeq": Integer,
                "imageLink": String,
                "fileId": String,
                "autoSendYn": String,
                "statsId": String,
                "createDate": String,
                "createUser": String
        "totalCount": Integer
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
body Object Body area
- messages Object List of messages
-- requestId String Request ID
-- requestDate String Date of request
-- plusFriendId String PlusFriend ID
-- senderKey String Sender ID
-- masterStatusCode String Mass delivery status code(WAIT, READY, SENDREADY, SENDWAIT, SENDING, COMPLETE, CANCEL, FAIL)
-- content String Content
-- isAd Boolean Ad or not
-- imageSeq Integer Image sequence
-- imageLink Boolean Image URL
-- fileId String Attachment ID
-- autoSendYn String Auto sending or not
-- statsId String Statistics ID
-- createDate String Date of creation
-- createUser String User who created the request(saved as user UUID when sending from console)
- totalCount Integer Total count

List Mass Delivery Recipients



GET /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appKey}/mass-messages/{requestId}/recipients
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appKey String Unique appkey
requestId String Request ID


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Description
X-Secret-Key String Unique secret key
Name Type Max. Length Required Description
requestId String - O Request ID
startRequestDate String - X Start date of delivery
endRequestDate String - X End date of delivery
startCreateDate String - X Start date of registration
endCreateDate String - X End date of registration
pageNum optional, Integer - X Page number
pageSize optional, Integer 1000 X Search count


curl -X GET \
'{appKey}/'"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-messages/recipients?requestId='"${REQUEST_ID}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}'


    "header": {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
    "body": {
        "recipients": [
                "requestId": String,
                "recipientSeq": Integer,
                "recipientNo": String,
                "requestDate": String,
                "receiveDate": String,
                "messageStatus": String,
                "resultCode": String,
                "resultCodeName": String
        "totalCount": Integer
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
body Object Body area
- recipients List List of recipients
-- requestId String Request ID
-- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
-- recipientNo String Recipient number
-- requestDate String Date of request
-- receiveDate String Date of receiving
-- messageStatus String Mass recipient delivery status code(READY, COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCEL)
-- resultCode String Result code of receiving
-- resultCodeName String Result code name of receiving
- totalCount Integer Total count

Get a Mass Delivery Recipient



GET /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appKey}/mass-messages/{requestId}/recipients/{recipientSeq}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appKey String Unique appkey
requestId String Request ID
recipientSeq String Recipient sequence


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Description
X-Secret-Key String Unique secret key
Name Type Max. Length Required Description
requestId String - O Request ID
startRequestDate String - X Start date of delivery
endRequestDate String - X End date of delivery
startCreateDate String - X Start date of registration
endCreateDate String - X End date of registration


curl -X GET \
'{appKey}/'"${APP_KEY}"'/mass-messages/{requestId}/recipients/${RECIPIENT_SEQ}" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}'


    "header": {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
    "body": {
        "requestId": String,
        "recipientSeq": Integer,
        "plusFriendId": String,
        "senderKey": String,
        "recipientNo": String,
        "requestDate": String,
        "receiveDate": String,
        "content": String,
        "messageStatus": String,
        "resendStatus": String,
        "resendStatusName": String,
        "resendRequestId": String,
        "resendResultCode": String,
        "resultCode": String,
        "resultCodeName": String,
        "imageSeq": Integer,
        "imageLink": String,
        "buttons": [
                "ordering": Integer,
                "type": String,
                "name": String,
                "linkMo": String,
                "linkPc": String,
                "schemeIos": String,
                "schemeAndroid": String,
                "chatExtra": String,
                "chatEvent": String,
                "bizFormKey": String,
                "target": String
        "header": String,
        "item": {
          "list": [
              "title": String,
              "imageUrl": String,
              "linkMo": String,
              "linkPc": String,
              "schemeIos": String,
              "schemeAndroid": String,
        "carousel": {
          "list": [
              "header": String,
              "message": String,
              "attachment": {
                "buttons": [
                    "name": String,
                    "type": String,
                    "linkMo": String,
                    "linkPc": String,
                    "schemeAndroid": String,
                    "schemeIos": String,
                  "imageUrl": String,
                  "imageLink": String
          "tail": {
            "linkMo": String,
            "linkPc": String,
            "schemeAndroid": String,
            "schemeIos": String
        "coupon": {
          "title": String,
          "description": String,
          "linkMo": String,
          "linkPc": String,
          "schemeAndroid": String,
          "schemeIos": String
        "isAd": Boolean,
        "createDate": String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
body Object Body area
- requestId String Request ID
- recipientSeq Integer Recipient's sequence number
- plusFriendId String PlusFriend ID
- senderKey String Sender key(40 characters)
- recipientNo String Recipient number
- requestDate String Date of request
- receiveDate String Date of receiving
- content String Body
- messageStatus String Mass recipient delivery status code(READY, COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCEL)
- resendStatus String Status code of resending(RSC01, RSC02, RSC03, RSC04, RSC05)
([Refer to Status code of resending table] below)
- resendStatusName String Status code name of resending
- resendRequestId String Resending SMS request ID
- resendResultCode String Result code of resending Result code of SMS sending
- resultCode String Result code of receiving
- resultCodeName String Result code name of receiving
- imageSeq Integer Image sequence
- imageLink Integer Image URL
- buttons List Button sequence
-- ordering String Button sequence
-- type String Button type
- WL: Web Link
- AL: App Link
- DS: Delivery Search
- BK: Bot Keyword
- MD: Message Delivery
- BC: Bot for Consultation
- BT: Bot Transfer
- AC: Channel Added [only for Ad Included/Mixed Purposes Type]
-- name String Button name
-- linkMo String Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
-- linkPc String PC web link(optional for the WL type)
-- schemeIos String iOS app link(required for the AL type)
-- schemeAndroid String Android app link(required for the AL type)
-- chatExtra String BC: Meta information to be delivered when switching to consultation talk
BT: Meta information to be delivered when switching to bot
-- chatEvent String BT: Bot event name to connect when switching to bot
-- bizFormKey String Biz from key for BF(Business from) type button
-- target String In the case of a web link button, out link used when adding "target":"out" attribute
Send with the default in-app link
- header String Header(required when using the wide item list message type, up to 25 characters)
- item Object Wide item
-- list List Wide item list(at lease 3, up to 4)
--- title String Item title(For the first item, up to 25 characters; for items 2 to 4, up to 30 characters)
--- imageUrl String Item image URL
--- linkMo String Mobile web link
--- linkPc String PC web link
--- schemeIos String iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- carousel Object Carousel
-- list List Carousel list(at least 2, up to 10)
--- header String Carousel item title(up to 20 characters)
--- message String Carousel item message(up to 180 characters)
--- attachment Object Carousel item images, button information
---- buttons List Button list(up to 2)
----- name String Button name(required, if there's a button, up to 8 characters)
----- type String Button type(WL: Web Link, AL: App Link, BK: Bot Keyword, MD: Message Delivery, BF: Business Form)
----- linkMo String Mobile web link(required for the WL type)
----- linkPc String PC web link(optional for the WL type)
----- schemeIos String iOS app link(required for the AL type)
----- schemeAndroid String Android app link(required for the AL type)
---- image Object Image
----- imageUrl String Image URL
----- imageLink String Image link
-- tail Object Learn more button information
--- linkMo String Mobile web link
--- linkPc String PC web link
--- schemeIos String iOS app link
--- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- coupon Object Coupon
-- title String Coupon title
-- description String Coupon description
-- linkMo String Mobile web link
-- linkPc String PC web link
-- schemeIos String iOS app link
-- schemeAndroid String Android app link
- isAd Boolean Ad or not
- createDate String Date of creation

Image Management

Register Images



POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/images
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request parameter]

Name Type Required Description
image File O Image
wide boolean X Image is wide or not(Default: false)


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/images" -F "image=@friend-ricecake02.jpeg"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "image": {
      "imageSeq" : Integer,
      "imageUrl" : String,
      "imageName" : String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
image Object Body area
- imageSeq Integer Image number(to send FriendTalk messages)
- imageUrl String Image URL
- imageName String Image name(name of uploaded file)

Register Wide Item List Images



POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/wide-itemlist/images
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request parameter]

Name Type Required Description
image File O Image


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/wide-itemlist/images" -F "image=@friend-ricecake02.jpeg"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "image": {
      "imageSeq" : Integer,
      "imageUrl" : String,
      "imageName" : String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
image Object Body area
- imageSeq Integer Image number(to send FriendTalk messages)
- imageUrl String Image URL
- imageName String Image name(name of uploaded file)



POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/carousel/images
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request parameter]

Name Type Required Description
image File O Image


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/carousel/images" -F "image=@friend-ricecake02.jpeg"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "image": {
      "imageSeq" : Integer,
      "imageUrl" : String,
      "imageName" : String
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
image Object Body area
- imageSeq Integer Image number(to send FriendTalk messages)
- imageUrl String Image URL
- imageName String Image name(name of uploaded file)

Query Images



GET  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/images
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter]

Name Type Required Description
imageTypes String X - IMAGE: General image
- WIDE_IMAGE: Wide image
- WIDE_ITEMLIST_IMAGE: Wide item list image
- CAROUSEL_IMAGE: Carousel image
pageNum Integer X Page number(default: 1)
pageSize Integer X Number of queries(default: 15)


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/images?pageNum=1&pageSize=15"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "imagesResponse": {
    "images" : [
            "imageSeq" : Integer,
            "imageUrl" : String,
            "imageName" : String,
            "imageType": String,
            "createUser" : String
    "totalCount" : Integer

Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
imagesResponse Object Body area
- image Object Body area
-- imageSeq Integer Image number(to send FriendTalk messages)
-- imageUrl String Image URL
-- imageName String Image name(name of uploaded file)
-- createUser String Creator
-- imageType String - IMAGE: General image
- WIDE_IMAGE: Wide image
- WIDE_ITEMLIST_IMAGE: Wide item list image
- CAROUSEL_IMAGE: Carousel image
- totalCount Integer Total count
  • Response is sent in the order of latest registration.

Delete Images



DELETE  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/images
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter]

Name Type Required Description
imageSeq String O Image number


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}" "{appkey}/images?imageSeq=1,2,3"


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not


비즈니스폼 등록


POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/senders/{senderKey}/biz-form
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

이름 타입 설명
appkey String 고유의 앱키
senderKey String 발신 키


  "X-Secret-Key": String
이름 타입 필수 설명
X-Secret-Key String O 콘솔에서 생성할 수 있습니다.

[Request body]

    "bizFormId": Integer
이름 타입 필수 설명
bizFormId Integer O 비즈니스폼 아이디


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}"{appkey}/senders/{senderKey}/biz-form -d '{"bizFormId": 1}


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "bizFormKey": String
이름 타입 설명
header Object 헤더 영역
- resultCode Integer 결과 코드
- resultMessage String 결과 메시지
- isSuccessful Boolean 성공 여부
bizFormKey String 비즈니스폼 키

Manage Alternative Delivery

Register an SMS AppKey


POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/failback/appkey
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request body]

    "resendAppKey": String
Name Type Required Description
resendAppKey String O SMS service appkey to set for alternative delivery


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}"{appkey}/failback/appkey -d '{"resendAppKey": "smsAppKey"}


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean

Register Alternative Delivery Settings


POST  /friendtalk/v2.3/appkeys/{appkey}/failback
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Name Type Description
appkey String Unique appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Name Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request body]

   "senderKey": String,
   "isResend": Boolean,
   "resendSendNo": String,
   "resendUnsubscribeNo": String
Name Type Required Description
senderKey String O Sender Key
isResend Boolean O Whether to resend text, if delivery fails
Resent by default, if alternative delivery is set on console.
resendSendNo String O Sender number for alternative delivery
(Alternative delivery may fail, if the sender number is not registered on the SMS service.)
resendUnsubscribeNo String X Alternative delivery 080 blocked number
(If it is not the 080 blocked number registered in the SMS service, alternative delivery may fail.)


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Secret-Key:{secretkey}"{appkey}/failback/appkey -d '{"senderKey": "9e0afe2c12aaaaaaaaaa7520052880b555f1a60a","isResend": true,"resendSendNo": "01012341234", "resendUnsubscribeNo": "0801234567" }


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean